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Dokshitsy Regional Executive Committee
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19 August 2021

Belarusian farmers have cropped around 5.9 million tonnes of grain, BelTA learned from the Telegram channel of the Agriculture and Food Ministry.As of 18 August, 1.9 million hectares planted to grain and leguminous crops (excluding corn, buckwheat, millet) were cut, or almost 90.8% of the target.All in all, 5.9 million tonnes of grain were harvested. Minsk Oblast is leading with over 1.4 million tonnes.

18 August 2021

The nationwide public security monitoring system has to become smarter and more sophisticated, BelTA learned from Belarusian Deputy Internal Affairs Minister, Criminal Police Chief Gennady Kazakevich.

17 August 2021
In H1 2021 foreign investors poured over $383 million into the real sector of the Vitebsk Oblast economy. More than 94% of the money went into the processing industry, representatives of the Economy Committee of the Vitebsk Oblast Executive Committee told BelTA.
12 August 2021
Belarusian scientists have determined the strategy for the domestic coronavirus vaccine, Director of the National Research Center for Epidemiology and Microbiology Vladimir Gorbunov told reporters, BelTA has learned. “The National Research Center for Epidemiology and Microbiology, in collaboration with the Academy of Sciences of Belarus, has developed a whole-virion inactivated COVID-19 prototype vaccine. Preliminary tests are currently underway. These are preclinical studies. In vitro...
10 August 2021
The state border protection system meets today's requirements. State Secretary of the Security Council of Belarus Aleksandr Volfovich made the statement after the second stage of a tactical exercise involving military personnel of the Western Operational Command ended in the exercise area Gozhsky, BelTA has learned. The official said: “The state border protection system meets contemporary requirements and ensures the country's protection from foreign infringements. The facts that...
9 August 2021
The plans were to make Belarus and Ukraine members of NATO, Belarus' Minister of Foreign Affairs Vladimir Makei in the fourth episode of the documentaries titled as Belarus Against Color Revolution aired by the Belarusian TV channel STV, BelTA has learned. “I will cite only one statement of US former national security adviser John Bolton who visited Belarus and said that Ukraine and Belarus needed to be admitted as NATO members to avoid this ‘gray zone' between Russia and the North...